منتديات الأجيال التعليمية

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منتديات الأجيال التعليمية
منتديات الأجيال التعليمية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

اهم 100 سؤال للمراجعة في English Revison part 2

اذهب الى الأسفل

اهم 100 سؤال للمراجعة في English Revison part 2 Empty اهم 100 سؤال للمراجعة في English Revison part 2

مُساهمة من طرف حنين الصمت الثلاثاء 02 أبريل 2013, 9:41 pm

الدرس في شكل نص مقروء

English - Revison| part 2

Respond to each of the following situations


1. A friend asks you whether you would like to go somewhere together at the weekend.

What about going to the beach?

2. The same friend does not want to go the beach, but suggests the swimming pool.

OK, then let’s go to the swimming pool.

3. A friend suggests that you join
a book club together. You do not want to join a book club, but you
would like to join a sports club.

I would prefer to join a sports club.

4. The same friend suggests going to the cinema in your town tomorrow. You are not sure.

I’m not sure about that.


1. A friend is looking worried. You want to know why. What do you ask?

. What’s the matter? / You look worried. What’s wrong?

2. Someone asks if you had a good
holiday. You enjoyed your holiday, but the weather was not very good.
This was a disappointment.

I had a good time, but I wish the weather had been better/had not been so bad

3. A friend asks what subject you would like to be better at.

I wish I was/were better at history. / I’d like to be better at history

4. Someone asks you about a school
trip you went on. You learnt a lot, but you did not take as many photos
as you had planned to.

I learnt a lot but I wish I had taken more photos.


1. You would like to find out what music your friend likes. What do you ask?

What kind of music do you like?

2. A friend asks you what sort of music you enjoy.

I’m a big fan of folk music.

3. You want to find out if your friend plays a musical instrument.

Do/Can you play a musical instrument?

4. A friend asks you whether there is any sort of music you don’t like.

I can’t stand/really dislike modern music.


1. A friend asks you if you think people will read books in a hundred years time.

Yes, I’m sure they will.

2. In a conversation, a friend uses the word gadgets. You do not understand the word.

What are "gadgets"? / Can you explain the word "gadgets"? / What does "gadgets" mean?

3. A friend asks if you think people will have their own spaceships in 50 years.

No, I shouldn’t think so./No, I don’t think they will.

4. A friend uses the words travel and journey in the same
sentence. You do not understand the different meanings of these two

What is the difference between "travel" and "journey"?


1. An interviewer asks if you would work some evenings during the week. You would be happy to do this.

Yes, that would be no problem.

2. You want to be able to contact a person you have just met, but you do not have their details.

2. Could you tell/give me your phone number and e-mail address, please?

3. Your friend is applying for a new job. This is a surprise and you ask him the reason.

Really) Why are you applying for a new job

4. You want to know whether someone you are interviewing can drive.

Do you have a driving license? / Have you passed your driving test?

3- Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d:


6. Too much sun can be ................

a- respectable b- harmful c- unthinkable d- in conflict

7. We ................ on the door three times, but they did not hear us.

a- visited b- called c- hit d- knocked

8. Nurses are part of the medical ................ .

a- profession b- work c- job d- career

9. I get on well with all my ................ at work, but they are not close friends.

a- people b- workers c- colleagues d- relatives

10. The accident ................ at eight o’clock when everyone was on their way to work.

a- occurred b- took c- came d- caused

11. They ................ left two hours ago, so they arrived by now. It is not far.

a- must b- must have c- have d- can’t have

12. No one is sure where Ali is, but we think he ................ gone to see his uncle.

a- must b- can’t have c- might have d- must have

13. She asked me whether ................ there before.

a- I had been b- I went c- I go d- had I been

14. If ................ for too long, I get a headache.

a- I’ll read b- I read c- I had read d- I would read

15. If you had come ten minutes later, I ................ .

a- would leave b- will leave c- leave d- would have left


4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly:

1. Five litres of petrol is enough for me to get to work.

2. My five-year-old sister will start a school in September.

My five-year-old sister will start school in September.

3. The police is going to get new uniforms.

The police are going to get new uniforms.

4. Fifty degrees are a very high temperature.

Fifty degrees is a very high temperature.

5. Athletics were my father’s favourite sport.

Athletics was my father’s favourite sport.

8- Write a paragraph of about 100 words about: Reviews:

(A) - Space travel in the future.

Man has been dreaming to travel into space for a long time.
History mentioned ذكر some attempts محاولات of flying when the Arabic
scientist Abbas Ibn Frens tried to fly and The Wright Brothers tried to
fly. But now travelling into space has come true تحقق and actually في
الحقيقة man الإنسان landed هبط on the moon and the Mars كوكب المريخ.
Scientists sent equipment معدات/أجهزة into space and they can repair it.
Now we live in a small village and space is no longer لم يعد a mystery
سر غامض. Man began to know everything about it and in the future people
may live on other planets كواكب. People may spend their holidays on
space. Travelling into space became very easy and comfortable. Some
people travelled into space to spend holiday. So we can call our world a
global village قرية عالمية.

9- Translation: A) Translate into Arabic: Reviews:


Currently, the cost of a holiday in space is very high. But the
more people want something, the cheaper it will become. So if you are
interested, start saving now!

- حالياً تكلفة (قضاء) إجازة بالفضاء الخارجي عالية جداً. لكن كلما
زاد/كثر عدد الناس اللذين يريدونها كلما أصبحت أرخص. فإن/فإذا كنت مهتماً
(بالأمر) ابدأ الادخار من الآن!


If wood is heated, chemicals are produced which can be used to
make medicines and some kinds of plastic. Wood products are also used in
some types of ice cream.

- عندما يتم تسخين الخشب ، تنتج بعض الكيماويات التي يمكن استخدامها
في صنع الأدوية وبعض أنواع البلاستيك. كما يتم استخدام المنتجات الخشبية
في بعض أنواع الأيس كريم.


If you live in southern Europe or Africa, you know that the
temperatures are higher and there is less rain than if you live in
northern Europe or Canada. It is unusual for the weather forecast to
surprise us.

- إن/إذا كنت تعيش بجنوب أوروبا أو بإفريقيا ، فأنت تعلم أن درجات
الحرارة أعلى و (معدل هطول / نسبة) الأمطار أقل من (مناطق مثل) شمال
أوروبا أو كندا. فمن غير المعتاد أن تدهشنا/تفاجئنا النشرة الجوية.


We now know that plants and trees make their own food. Their
leaves are like factories producing everything they need, so that plants
can change the energy from the sun into chemical energy.

- نعلم/نعرف الآن أن النباتات والأشجار تنتج غذاءها بنفسها.
فأوراقها مثل المصانع تنتج كل ما تحتاج له ، بحيث تتمكن النباتات من
تغيير/تحويل الطاقة (المستمدة) من الشمس إلى طاقة كيماوية/كيميائية.

حنين الصمت
حنين الصمت
مدير عام المنتدى

انثى عدد المساهمات : 5102
نقاط : 29201
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/09/2011

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