منتديات الأجيال التعليمية

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منتديات الأجيال التعليمية
منتديات الأجيال التعليمية
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أهم 100 سؤال فى مراجعة مادة الكيمياء لغات الجزء الخامس ثالث ثانوي

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أهم 100 سؤال فى مراجعة مادة الكيمياء لغات الجزء الخامس ثالث ثانوي Empty أهم 100 سؤال فى مراجعة مادة الكيمياء لغات الجزء الخامس ثالث ثانوي

مُساهمة من طرف حنين الصمت الجمعة 10 مايو 2013, 9:11 pm

الدرس في شكل نص مقروء

أهم 100 سؤال فى مادة الكيمياء لغات - الجزء الخامس

Give reasons

1- The basic solution can't be used to differentiate between litmus and bromothymol blue

2- The density of CO2 is larger than the density of O2

3- Ashless filter paper is used in chemical analysis by precipetation method

4- Reaction between alcohol and carboxylic acis are reversible reaction

5- The law of mass action can be applied on weak electrolytes

6- Sodium chloride has neutral effect on litmus while sodium carbonate has basic effect

7- The acidic solution can't be used to differentiate between litmus and methyl orange

8- Divided nickel is used as a catalyst in hydrogenation of oil

9- Hydrogen chloride in benzene doesn't conduct electricity.

10- The reaction inside the electrolytic cell is non-spontaneous reaction.

11- Galvanic cell is a reversible cell.theoty.

12- Zinc replaces copper in its salt solutions while copper can’t

13- Hydrogen electrode is used to determine the electrode potential of other elements.

14- Recently we use fluoride salts of sodium, aluminum and calcium instead of cryolite in preparation of aluminum from bauxite

أهم 100 سؤال فى مراجعة مادة الكيمياء لغات الجزء الخامس ثالث ثانوي 1

Answer: give reasons

1- Both has blue colour in basic solution

2- The molecular mass of CO2 is larger than that of O2 wher density =

3- It gives no ash after burning

4- The reaction proceed in both direction forward and backword

5- Both reactant and products are found in the medium

6- NaCl in H2O gives strong base and strong acid, Na2CO3 gives strong base and weal acid

7- Both has red colour in acidic solution

8- The rate of the reaction increases as the surface are increases

9- It doesn't ionized in benzene

10- It needes outer source of energy .

11- It can be recharged

12- It has oxidation potential higher than copper

13- Its standard electrode = zero

14- To decrease melting point and decrease density of thr mixture

Compare between

1- Volumetric analysis and gravimetric analysis

2- Reversible reaction and irreversible reaction

3- Strong electrolyte and weak electrolyte

4- Complete ionization and incomplete ionization

5- Electric cell and galvanic cell

6- Drey cell and mercury cell

7- Nickel cadmium battery and car battery

8- Dery cell and lead storge cell

أهم 100 سؤال فى مراجعة مادة الكيمياء لغات الجزء الخامس ثالث ثانوي 2

Answer Comparison

Volumetric analysis gravimetric analysis

Analysis based on measuring the volume of the analyte Analysis based on measuring the mass of the analyte

Reversible reaction Irreversible reaction

Reaction proceed in forward and bakword Reaction proceed in one direction

The products react to form reactants Products can't react

Both reactants and products are found One of the products escape from the medium

N2 + 3H2 2NH3

Mg + H2SO4 MgSO4 + H2

Strong electrolyte weak electrolyte

Completley ionized Not completely ionized

H2SO4 – HCl – HNO3 – KOH – NaOH

Complete ionization incomplete ionization

All molecules are converted into ions Some molecules are converted into ions

In strong electrolytes In weak electrolytes

HCl H+ + Cl-


Galvanic cell Electric cell

1-Convert chemical energy into electric energy 1-Convert electric energy into chemical energy

2- spontaneous redox reaction 2- non-spontaneous redox reaction

3- anode –ve and cathode=+ve 3- anode +ve and cathode=-ve

4- some can be recharged 4- can’t be recharged

5- two poles must be different 5- two polessimilar or different

Dry cell Mercury cell

1- anode is zinc 1- anode is zinc

2- cathode is carbon 2- cathode is MgO

3- electrolyte NH4Cl 3- electrolyte KOH

4- e.m.f = 1.5 volts 4- e.m.f = 1.35 volts

ZnO+2MnO2+2NH4+ Zn2+ +2MnO(OH)+2NH3 Zn + HgO ZnO + Hg

Zn/Zn2+ // 2Mn+4 / 2Mn3+ Zn/Zn2+ // Hg2+ / Hg

Ni-Cd battery Car battery

1- anode is cadmium 1- anode is Pb

2- cathode is nickel 2- cathode is PbO2

3- electrolyte KOH 3- electrolyte H2SO4

4- e.m.f = 1.3 volts 4- e.m.f = 2 X 6 = 12 volts

Cd +2NiO(OH)+2H2O

Cd(OH)2 + 2Ni(OH)2 Pb+PbO2+4H+ +2SO2+


Cd/Cd2+ // 2Ni3+ / 2Ni2+ Pb0/Pb2+ // Pb4+ / Pb2+

Dry cell Lead storge cell

1- anode is zinc 1- anode is Pb

2- cathode is carbon 2- cathode is PbO2

3- electrolyte NH4Cl 3- electrolyte H2SO4

4- e.m.f = 1.5 volts 4- e.m.f = 2 X 6 = 12 volts

5- primary (can't be recharged) 5- secondary (can be recharged)

ZnO+2MnO2+2NH4+ Zn2+ +2MnO(OH)+2NH3 Pb+PbO2+4H+ +2SO2+


Zn/Zn2+ // 2Mn+4 / 2Mn3+ Pb0/Pb2+ // Pb4+ / Pb2+

What are

1- The factors affecting the rate of the chemical reactions

2- The factors affecting the a chemical reactions at equilibrium

3- The importance of : a- Electrolysis b- Electroplating

c- Bauxite d- Purification

أهم 100 سؤال فى مراجعة مادة الكيمياء لغات الجزء الخامس ثالث ثانوي 3

Answer what are

1- The factors affecting the rate of the chemical reactions:

Nature of the reactants (type of bond –surface area) – concentration – temperature

pressure – catalyst - light

2- The factors affecting the a chemical reactions at equilibrium

Concentration – temperature – pressure

3- Term Importance

Electrolysis Preparing element or compound using electric current

Electroplating Get shiny- high value or resist corrosion

Bauxite Solvent of bauxite in preparation of aluminum

Purification Get rid of impurities and get pure element

Scientific term

1. Molecular mass in gram

2. The volume of gases involved in a reaction and gases produced are exist in fixed ratio

3. Equal volumes of gasses under the same p.and temp. contains equal no. of molecules

4. Determination of the concentration or quantity of the constituents of the sample

5. A branch of chemistry deals with the methods and instruments used for both qualitative

and quantitative analysis

6. It is based on measurement of the volume of the substance to be analyzed

7. Measuring the amount of a reagent of known concentration (standard solution) that is completely by the analyte

8. Substance which change its colour in the reaction medium , indicators are used to detect the end point of the reaction

9. It is apparently a stationary system but in reality dynamic.

10. The maximum water vapour pressure at a certain temperature

11. It proceeds in one direction because products cannot react together to form the reactants

12. It proceeds in forward and backward direction by the same rate at the same conditions

13. When the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the backward reaction at the same condition

14. The change of concentration of reactants or products per unit time

15. At constant temperature the rate of the reaction is directly
proportional t the product of the multiplication of the reactant
concentrations, each one is raised to the power of the number of
molecules or ions in balanced equation

16. To have a chemical reaction molecules must collide with each other

17. The minimum amount of energy must be gained by molecules to react at collision

18. The molecule which has kinetic energy equals to or more than activation energy

19. The changes in any of the conditions of a chemical
equilibrium such as conc., p. or temp. cause shift the equilibrium in
the direction which will oppose this change

20. Substance causes a change in the rate of chemical reaction without itself being changed

21. High molecular weight protein produce in living cell an acts as a catalyst

22. All molecules are converted into ions

23. Some molecules are converted into ions

24. The equilibrium arising between molecules of a weak electrolyte and its ions

25. At a constant temperature , the degree of ionization increases by dilution

26. Multiplying concentration of hydrogen ion times that of hydroxide ion ( it = 10-14 )

27. The negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration .( it
is a way to express the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution)

28. It is the product of multiplication of the concentration of
its ions, raised to the power of the number of ions which exist in
equilibrium with its saturated solution

29. The multiplying of electric current intenisity in ampere and time in second.

أهم 100 سؤال فى مراجعة مادة الكيمياء لغات الجزء الخامس ثالث ثانوي 4

Answer Scientific term

1. Mole

2. Gay–Lussac’law

3. Avogadro’s law

4. Quantitative Analysis

5. Chemical analysis.

6. Volumetric analysis

7. Titration

8. Indicator

9. Equilibrium system

10. Saturated Water vapour pressure

11. Irreversible reaction

12. Reversible reaction

13. Chemical Equilibrium

14. Rate of chemical reaction

15. Law of mass action

16. Collision theory

17. Activation energy

18. Activated molecule

19. Le Chatelier's principle

20. Catalyst

21. Enzyme

22. Complete ionization

23. Incomplete ionization

24. Ionic equilibrium

25. Ostwald's law

26. Ionic product of water

27. pH value

28. Solubility product

29. Coulomn

حنين الصمت
حنين الصمت
مدير عام المنتدى

انثى عدد المساهمات : 5102
نقاط : 29201
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/09/2011

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