منتديات الأجيال التعليمية

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منتديات الأجيال التعليمية
منتديات الأجيال التعليمية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

أهم 100سؤال فى مراجعة مادة الكيمياء لغات الجزء الثامن ثالث ثنوي

اذهب الى الأسفل

أهم 100سؤال فى مراجعة مادة الكيمياء لغات الجزء الثامن ثالث ثنوي Empty أهم 100سؤال فى مراجعة مادة الكيمياء لغات الجزء الثامن ثالث ثنوي

مُساهمة من طرف حنين الصمت الجمعة 17 مايو 2013, 2:40 pm

الدرس في شكل نص مقروء

أهم 100سؤال فى مادة الكيمياء لغات - الجزء الثامن

16) Caculate the equilibrium constant of this reaction

H2 + I2 2HI

Given that the concentrations are H2=0.1 , H2=0.1 , HI = 1 mole/liter


H2 + I2 2HI

Kc = = = 100

17) Caculate the equilibrium constant of this reaction

N2 + 3H2 2NH3

Given that the pressure are N2= 0.3 , H2=0.1 , NH3 = 0.09 atmospheric pressure


N2 + 3H2 2NH3

Kp = = = 27

18) Caculate the degree of dissociation of 0.08 molar of HCN if the Ka = 2 x 10-8


Ka = α2 x C

α= = 5 x 10-4

19) Caculate the concentration of hydrogen ion of 0.2 molar of acetic acid then find its

pH given that Ka = 5 x 10-8


[H+] = = 1 x 10-4

pH = -log (H+) = -log( 1 x 10-4 ) = 4

20) Caculate the pH of ammonia solution its concentration 0.1 molar given that Kb=1x10-5


[OH-] = = 1 x 10-3

pOH = -log (OH-) = -log( 1 x 10-3 ) = 3

pH + pOH = 14 pH = 14 – 3 = 11

21) Find ionization constant (Ka) of a wak acid its ionization degree 1% its conc.= o.5M


Ka = α2 x C

Ka = ( )2 x 0.5 = 5 x 10-5

أهم 100سؤال فى مراجعة مادة الكيمياء لغات الجزء الثامن ثالث ثنوي 1

22) If the degree of solubility of silver bromide AgBr = 0.2 x 10-3 mole/ liter

calculate the solubility product of silver bromide.


AgBr Ag+ + Br -

Ksp = [Ag+] [Br -]

Ksp = [0.2 x 10-3] [0.2 x 10-3] = 4 x 10-8

23) Calculate the degree of
solubility of CaCl2 in gram/liter given that its solubility product in
water = 8 x10-9( Ca=40 , Cl=35.5)


CaCl2 Ca2+ + 2Cl -

Ksp = [Ca2+] [2Cl-]2 say degree of solubility = X

8 x 10-9 = [ X ] [ 2 X]2

8 x 10-9 = 4 (X)3

X = 2 x 10-3 one mole of CaCl2= 40 + 71 = 111

Degree of solubility (g/l) = 2 x 10-3 x 111 = 0.222 g/l

24) Whate the effect of pressure and temp. on the concentration of hydrogen in this reaction

H2 + CO2 H2O + CO , ΔH = +41 kj


• increase the temperature conc. of hydrogen decreases

• increase the prerssure has no effect

25) This reaction has two equilibrium constant Kc=50 at 500oC
and Kc = 80 at 800 oC deduce this reaction is exothermic or indothermic

N2 + O2 2NO


Increase the temp. Kc increases means thr reaction proceed forward = endothermic reaction

Draw a cell diagram of:

1- Galvanic cell formed from tin and silver if the reduction potential of Sn=-0.14 and that of Ag=0.8 [ Sn2+ , Ag+]

أهم 100سؤال فى مراجعة مادة الكيمياء لغات الجزء الثامن ثالث ثنوي 2


Reduction of silver > reduction of tin

So silver acts as cathode

Cell diagram Sn/Sn2+ // 2Ag+/2Ag

e.m.f = difference between two reduction

e.m.f = 0.8 – (-0.14) = 0.94 volts

2- galvanic cell in which this reaction occurs

Ni2+ + Fe Ni + Fe2+

show a) cathode and anode

b) direction of the current


Cell diagram Fe/Fe2+ // Ni2+/Ni

cathode is Ni and anode is Fe

direction of the current from iron to nickel

3- in this equation CuO + H2 Cu + H2O

If the oxidation potential of copper = -0.34 v

Is this represent a galvanic cell

a) if yes draw the expression of the galvanic cell

b) if no say why?


Copper is reduced and hydrogen is oxidized

e.m.f.= oxidation of anode – oxidation of cathode

e.m.f.= 0 – (-0.34) = + 0.34 volt

e.m.f. = +ve value so it is galvanic cell

its diagram H2/2H+ // Cu+2/Cu

4) In this equation CuCl2 Cu2+ + 2Cl-

If the reduction potential of copper = 0.34 v and that of chlorine =1.36 v

a) Write the equations occurs at anode and at cathode

b) Is this reaction spontaneous or nonspontameous


At anode 2Cl- Cl2 + 2e- ( oxidation)

At cathode Cu+2 +2e- Cu (reduction)

e.m.f.= redction of cathode – reduction of anode

e.m.f.= 0.34 – 1.36 = - 1.02 volt

e.m.f. = -ve value so it is non spontaneous reaction


1- The no. of faraday necessary to deposit gram-atom of aluminum during electrolysis of Al2O3


Amount of electricity needed to deposit gram/atom = ZF ( valency X faraday)

Amount of electricity = 3 faraday

2- the no. of faraday necessary to deposit 21.6 gram of silver during electroplating process if the reaction at cathode

Ag+ + e- Ag [Ag=108]


Eq.wt. = 108/1=108

Mass = faraday X eq.wt

21.6 = faraday X 108

Electricity = 21.6/108= 0.2 faraday

أهم 100سؤال فى مراجعة مادة الكيمياء لغات الجزء الثامن ثالث ثنوي 3

3- minutes needed to produce 10500 coulomb from current of 25 ampere


Coulomb = ampere X time (in second) 10500 = 25 X time

Time = 10500/25 = 420 second

= 7 minutes

4- the mass of silver ppt. when electric current its intensity = 2 ampere passes for an hour in silver nitrate solution [Ag=108]

reaction at cathode Ag+ + e- Ag


eq.wt.= 108/1 = 108

Mass = = = 8.058 gm.

5- the volume of chlorine gas evolved during electrolysis of chloride solution using 2 amperes for half hour [Cl=35.5]


eq.wt.= 35.5/1 = 35.5

Mass = = = 1.32 gm.

Volume of Cl2 = = = 0.418 liter

حنين الصمت
حنين الصمت
مدير عام المنتدى

انثى عدد المساهمات : 5102
نقاط : 29201
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/09/2011

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