CITIZENSHIP & NATIONAL UNITY IN EGYPT المواطنة والوحدة الوطنية فى مصر
منتديات الأجيال التعليمية :: ركن خاص بالادارة :: الأرشيف التعليمي للمواد الدراسية :: الأرشيف لسنة 2012
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
CITIZENSHIP & NATIONAL UNITY IN EGYPT المواطنة والوحدة الوطنية فى مصر
Citizenship المواطنه is one of the most important features ملامح of the
Egyptian society مجتمع. All Egyptians are equal متساوون. There is no
difference لا اختلاف between Muslims and Christians. They have the same
rights نفس الحقوق and are to do the same duties الواجبات. They are the
two elements عنصرى of the nation الامة. All Egyptians always say,
"Religion is for Allah and Egypt is for all" الدين لله والوطن للجميع
This means يعنى that there is no distinction تمييز between the sons of
National unity and good relations علاقات between Muslims and
Christians are not slogans شعارات but rather a basic reality. حقيقة
واقعية In all wars حروب and revolutions ثورات, we saw Christians and
Muslims fighting يحاربون their enemies in defense of دفاعا عن our dear
country. Muslims and Christians in Egypt are always partners شركاء in
joy and annoy الفرح والكرب. Muslims and Christians share different
occasions together On feasts, both Muslims and Christians exchange,
congratulations, gifts and good wishes. Finally, I'd like to point out
that Egypt will ever remain a homeland for all its Sons
Egyptian society مجتمع. All Egyptians are equal متساوون. There is no
difference لا اختلاف between Muslims and Christians. They have the same
rights نفس الحقوق and are to do the same duties الواجبات. They are the
two elements عنصرى of the nation الامة. All Egyptians always say,
"Religion is for Allah and Egypt is for all" الدين لله والوطن للجميع
This means يعنى that there is no distinction تمييز between the sons of
National unity and good relations علاقات between Muslims and
Christians are not slogans شعارات but rather a basic reality. حقيقة
واقعية In all wars حروب and revolutions ثورات, we saw Christians and
Muslims fighting يحاربون their enemies in defense of دفاعا عن our dear
country. Muslims and Christians in Egypt are always partners شركاء in
joy and annoy الفرح والكرب. Muslims and Christians share different
occasions together On feasts, both Muslims and Christians exchange,
congratulations, gifts and good wishes. Finally, I'd like to point out
that Egypt will ever remain a homeland for all its Sons
مواضيع مماثلة
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منتديات الأجيال التعليمية :: ركن خاص بالادارة :: الأرشيف التعليمي للمواد الدراسية :: الأرشيف لسنة 2012
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:
لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى